
「佐藤」は「鈴木」よりも多かった 明治安田生命の名字調査 [経済ニュース]

The 11th, published a survey targeted at about 5.96 million people policyholders across the country about the "last name", Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. is the most common was "Sato". Second place "Suzuki", third place was "Takahashi". That accounted for 10% of the total last name only (Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Watanabe, Ito, Nakamura, Kobayashi, Yamamoto, Kato) top 10.


Looking at the prefecture, at the 1-position "Sato" became the top in each prefecture in the Tohoku region, excluding Hokkaido and Aomori Prefecture. Of second place "Suzuki", lead and each prefecture in the Kanto region, excluding the Gunma Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture. The 3-position "Takahashi" became the only top of Gunma Prefecture.

"Forest", "forest", the top three of the last name of the kanji character is "original". The three Chinese characters, "Sasaki", "Hasegawa", "Igarashi" in many cases.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.11
購入者の評価:★★★★ 4.33
ちくま文庫 森岡浩 筑摩書房発行年月:2011年12月 ページ数:353, サイズ:文庫 ISBN:9784480428943 森岡浩(モリオカヒロシ)1961年高知県生まれ。早稲田大学政経学部卒業。学生時代から名字の研究を始め、文献だけにとらわれない実証的な研究を続けている。テレビ出演多数(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第1章 日本人の名字おもしろ知識/第2章 名字はこうして誕生した/第3章 日本全国の珍名さん大集合/第4章 名字でわかるあなたのルーツ/第5章 天皇家から源平藤橘まで…日本の名家物語/第6章 姓名にまつわる不思議な話/第7章 日本とこんなに違う外国の名字と名前 珍しい名字にはれっきとした由来がある。名字で全国の歴史や民俗が新たに見えてくる。ユニークな名字の成り立ちから日本の名家の誕生まで、名字にまつわるあれやこれやの話題を網羅した画期的な書。コウノさんとカワノさん、同じ地域でなぜ違う?「鬼」のつく名字は海賊の末裔?三人に二人が「長屋さん」の村など、なるほど納得、笑える仰天エピソード満載。 本 人文・思想・社会 歴史 伝記(外国) 文庫 人文・思想・社会
タグ:名字 調査
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TBSの大御所アナが今の“女子アナブーム”をメッタ斬り [芸能ニュース]

Pioneering female announcer, new book of Mr. Yoshikawa Miyoko (TBS) is the topic's. "Way of talking announcer loved teach" in (Asahi Shinsho), and will be released the 13th of this month. How to put out the voice of the announcer, presenter, moderator, contents It's a know-how of speech, but the final chapter is the best part, is you're disrespecting the Kechonkechon girls Anabumu now.


TBS after joining in 1977 , Mr. Yoshikawa has been active in the 37 -year announcer ray . I greet the retirement age in May next year .

< Instead of " Joshi Ana " all the way to this I , we have been working to bring awareness and pride as "female announcer " > Yoshikawa called . Reason alone for now " girl Anna " It seems that did not endure .

According to Mr. Yoshikawa , there are four subspecies of the announcer now , "male announcer ", " female announcer " and " veteran announcer " that it is " Joshi Ana " . Mr. Yoshikawa did not forgive , I will be the last " Joshi Ana " . It is great that the criticism .

< " Joshi Ana " would be subspecies of the announcer , but it would be new species , but for reporters and photographers of sports newspaper or weekly magazine , there is no difference between bread and butter , to appreciate very existence . On the other hand, for the viewer in mind , or dressed like a talent , or misread the Chinese characters , it may be said source of environmental pollution of the broadcasting industry >
TBS女子アナウンサー<FRESH> 2014年 カレンダー
TBS女子アナウンサー<FRESH> 2014年 カレンダー
売り上げランキング : 39578

by G-Tools

< Necessarily , " Joshi Ana " is not necessarily the employees of the station . There are belong to the talent agency also " Joshi Ana ," but there are not many opportunities to read the news . You may read the news and leisure wear fashion that is not the same as high school students these days , in a voice that was spoiled . And do they understand the contents of the document , it is doubtful >
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西川史子、美奈子と“対立”で番組がお蔵入りに…現在も「もめてる」 [芸能ニュース]

The 10th, information program of Kansai "Hapikuru~tsu!" (Monday to Friday, after 2.00) Nishikawa Fumiko raw talent appeared in a woman doctor. I revealed that co-star in the TV scene with talent Minako was shelved in the ex-wife of linker Kiyoshi's Big Daddy thing. It was a project called "kill" the character Minako in invective, but Minako crying. It seemed not convincing "(Minako me) like I did not like. It 's has become shelved" he said.


Program that was scheduled to be broadcast in January next year . When asked as " shelved ? Maybe " as well as scenes " co-star " and its own Minako , also for the program itself , nodded , Nishikawa , was praying with one's hands close together to be " as is broadcasting" .

Took up the theme of the day this " Hapikuru~tsu ! " Headwind that is blowing in Minako you turned to talent . And swung the topic for survival in the entertainment world of Minako , Nishikawa , director of Tuesday along with the regular woody Takehiro of TKO is , "It 's impossible - " answer immediately . Was cut out , " I mean , I , I did you become shelved the program of January on-air " in appearance to that , can not help but comment again .

Referred to in vituperation character required for the program side , had been pounding the blame Minako , but Nishikawa " ( she ) I cried , amazing " he said. " And I just said I " wrong " that you have it wrong . Amazing I guess I 'm " hard work " but " . It was supposed to be deployed as expected as the program .

女盛りは、賞味期限が切れてから西川 史子

マガジンハウス 2013-04-11
売り上げランキング : 396533

by G-Tools
年収4000万にこだわる理由 エロスのお作法 一度も愛してくれなかった母へ、一度も愛せなかった男たちへ 十和子イズム 美をアップデート! (講談社の実用BOOK) 壇蜜の妄想レストラン ~お伴するならこんなお店舗(みせ)~ (ぴあMOOK)

However , as Nishikawa " ( Minako side ) I seemed to hate . And then , I do not know it 's has become it (program ) shelved action, or more ( shelved hate ) . Me very much ," and the deployment of the unexpected . Today, it revealed a " feeling that dispute " Concerning scene of Nishikawa VS Minako , was spitting out all the " It may not not say this , but I had to say " he said.
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排斥から敬意へ...ある出来事が、日本に対する印象を根底から覆した―中国メディア [国際ニュース]

The 6th, every day Den訊 daily newspaper, Xinhua Xinhua News Agency of China state-owned system posted a contributed article entitled "and respect. Exclusion View Japan". The following summary.


I do not know if whether such because of the history of the invasion , but I had a feeling of indescribable unpleasant always against Japan . Once you know it's Japanese partner , feeling that exclusion from the bottom of my heart I always had Wakioko~tsu .

But , yesterday , suddenly , sense of respect for Japan has been full of when I was chatting with a female doctor study in Japan experience . I think I have to talk to you by all means , we want to share this feeling .

When I was a just visited Japan , the woman could not speak Japanese at all . After studying two months at a language school , and take the most prominent graduate schools in Japan, and contains the results of the test of top English , played a stunning admission .

この一冊で「中国の歴史」がわかる!―殷の文明、清の統一から激動の現代まで (知的生きかた文庫)
この一冊で「中国の歴史」がわかる!―殷の文明、清の統一から激動の現代まで (知的生きかた文庫)山口 修 宮崎 正勝

三笠書房 2002-12
売り上げランキング : 247342

by G-Tools
マンガ この一冊で中国の歴史がわかる! そうだったのか! 中国 (そうだったのか! シリーズ) (集英社文庫) 物語 中国の歴史―文明史的序説 (中公新書) それでも中国で儲けなければならない日本人へ 中国の歴史(上) (岩波新書)

Japan gave me a scholarship to her . In order to belong to no income , Japan lent me a room with a lot cheaper rent she and her husband . She is pregnant enrolled in doctoral . Each month , two bags , Japan gave us paid to pregnant women all regardless of the nationality of the milk powder for nutritional support of the mother. Every month , and that gave me a milk allowance paid regardless of nationality after birth .
タグ:中国 日本 関係

キム・ヨナの衣装は「たくあんみたい」、日本のネットユーザーが嘲笑―韓国メディア [スポーツニュース]

The 9th, international figure skating competition was held in Zagreb, Croatia in the "Golden spin", the Chinese version website of Korea Chosun Ilbo paper, is unpopular costume gold 妍児 of Korea (Kim Jonah) players wore was reported to be are buying.


Costume of yellow player Kim wore during the women's short program was held on the 6th night is unpopular or "does not suit to Kim Jonah". Enough to be ridiculed "color like a Takuwan" and or "costume like a junior player" is also from the net users in Japan.

キム・ヨナ~銀盤の女王シュイナード オムニバス(クラシック)

ユニバーサル ミュージック クラシック 2011-12-21
売り上げランキング : 1493

by G-Tools
キム・ヨナ~銀盤の妖精 キム・ヨナ [DVD] 浅田舞&真央 スケーティング・ミュージック

Costumes that fashion designers of Korea, Mr. AnKeiYoshi was in charge. Mr. Ahn has served as costume designer Kim also players last season. Mr. Ahn has rejected all the media coverage, but the firm of AT Sports player Kim has been described as "the shades full of lyricism in warm colors to match the tune of the short program."
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雲隠れ!?JBCが亀田ジム聴聞へ連絡も一切返事なし [スポーツニュース]

The 10th, is contacted in order to conduct a hearing to Kameda gym side with respect to the throne retention problem of IBF world super flyweight champion, Kamedao Takeshi (Kameda), but the current situation there is no reply at all Japan Boxing Commission (JBC) revealed.


The ethics committee, which was held on the 9th, the throne becomes vacant if the Kamedao loses the (Venezuela) WBA champion Riborio Solis in the WBA · IBF Championship unification match against the 3rd, was disqualified in the overweight I was confirmed that it had been agreed between the parties.

亀田製菓 ハッピーターン 120g×12袋
亀田製菓 ハッピーターン 120g×12袋
売り上げランキング : 18940

by G-Tools
亀田製菓 ソフトサラダ 20枚×12袋 亀田製菓 亀田の柿の種6袋詰 230g×12袋 天乃屋 歌舞伎揚 11枚×12個 森永 チョコチップクッキー 14枚(2枚パック×7袋)×5個 不二家 ホームパイ40枚

In no way at fault for JBC confusion after the game, and that you knew in advance that the throne does not move Kameda side or lose is seen as a problem. Nobuaki Uratani headquarters, acting director of a bureau of the JBC said, "(and Kameda side) will take the continued contact" he said.
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渡り廊下走り隊 2・9解散ライブ!7人それぞれの道へ [芸能ニュース]

That the derived unit of AKB48 "connecting corridor Hashiritai" is dissolved on February 9 next year has been determined. Is performed dissolution live in Zepp Tokyo diversity of Tokyo Daiba, to put an end to the activities of four months five years from October 08.


Prior to this , it launched the "I want to walk slowly corridor " best album of Christmas to the 25th this month . There are two forms of the " Regular Edition " and " ultra- complete board" , 2,000 limit is invited from people that applied in the lottery entry ticket of live enclosed in the latter .

The unit starts with AKB48 four members with a focus on Watanabe Mayu ( 19 ) as a little sister derived unit of Onyanko Club Yasushi Akimoto ( 55) dealt with the " Ushirogamihikaretai " . I am active in a total of seven plus Hirashima Natsumi ( 21 ) Urano Kazumi ( 28) of OG (19) and Kikuchi Ayaka ( 20) Nakagawa Haruka ( 21 ) Iwasa Misaki ( 18 ) Watanabe , Tada Manaka from 48 and now the Group has have . Urano subscribed in March last year that had to mouth the shock " ( also age specific ) but I was made ​​to last job as my idol , maybe ... " or when the dissolution was announced in mid- November .
渡り廊下をゆっくり歩きたい 超コンプリート盤
ポニーキャニオン (2013-12-25)
売り上げランキング: 17

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中村紀プロテクト漏れ濃厚 [スポーツニュース]

Protected list leak DeNA · Norihiro Nakamura, infielder (40) becomes a thick. Team wins (33) Yasutomo Kubo pitcher that had been declared since the Great Hanshin FA. Takada GM of creating a protected list of people compensation has plagued the head "(from 28 people frame) 2-3 people Toraku line is difficult," but Taken together the story of the peripheral, as one of them that it is Nakamura's are on the line.


"There is no place for. Glue there are swing of 2 crown hit also. First baseman for the acquisition of (before ORIX) is substantially determined Barudirisu high defensive power, position glue (Nakamura) is no longer as third baseman" (baseball team stakeholders)

カネシゲ タカシ 野球大喜利
売り上げランキング: 2,715

17 home runs in nine rin 20% 8 minutes batting average, Barudirisu of 91 RBI this season. As well as more than blow Results (1 rin 8 minutes 20%, 14 home runs, 61 RBI) this season Nakamura, fielding percentage is also a bulletproof 5 rin 6 minutes 90%. It has not come in yet acquired, but Nakahata director get one's hopes up about "that guy (Barudirisu) us to do considerable" and as early. Nakamura also famous as "Kenshu", but say that difficulty Compared to Barudirisu because they are having a bomb to the right knee.
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都教委も仰天、AV女優だったエリート先生 [国内ニュース]

AV actress "Maki Reiko" It was a music teacher in elementary school -. As appeared in the adult video uncensored, female lecturer of music department working in an elementary school in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (27) were arrested, shock ran between educators, and made ​​at a time "festival" state on the Internet were. While it is endeared from students as teacher of music good caring, and appeared in AV work properly using two names. The real face of the elite of the music world who graduated from the prestigious-Tokyogeijutsudai of Music -.


The 30th last month , as appeared to obscene video with the knowledge that it is a no- retouching , on suspicion obscenity electromagnetic record recording medium distribution assistance of ( assisted ) , female lecturer was arrested in Shizuoka prefectural police .

According to such profile of music classroom where he worked officials and , woman lecturer in Yokohama resident , is a member of the Children's Chorus from an early age , working in a wide range of fields and appearances to radio and television , and opera singer soprano , gorgeous career far from the image of AV actress . He's currently a part-time lecturer , and that is in charge of the music class in elementary school more than one of Setagaya Ward .

1万円起業 片手間で始めてじゅうぶんな収入を稼ぐ方法
売り上げランキング: 288

According to the city board of education , good work attitude of female lecturers and " . Communication skills had been a lesson carefully educational enthusiastic , through such means as individual instruction to each student is also high , was getting along with teachers around " evaluation of ambient also that was above the people . Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education does not hide the surprise "normal , something one will contact from the police in advance these cases , but it was astonished because it was first learned by looking at the coverage this time " he said.
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阿久悠さん 藤圭子さんのために書いた「幻作品」があった [芸能ニュース]

The 9th that the lyricist-Yu Aku, who turned out masterpieces of Showa many (age at death 70), was newly written for singer Keiko Fuji's (age at death 62) "work of vision" was present, I get it. The title is "star of Enka". As the theme song of "star of Enka of Keiko" music program in Japan Fuji TV system, who started in '70 served as moderator, Mr. Aku has lyrics. From the fact that the program structure on, theme music is not used, I was shelved as it is.

続・人間万葉歌 阿久悠 作詞集

The "star of Enka " I wrote for diva - Fuji 's Showa , as the theme song Defuji 's "star of Enka of Keiko " music program which started in October 70 sings , Aku Yu -san , at that time , Mr. Kimura Yoshitake was the program producer of Nippon TV ( 77) had been ordered .

Where recently , Kimura has a material arrangement works Aku 's handwriting is found . According to Kimura , at that time , Mr. Aku had been involved in the show in the fledgling as a lyricist . In that by, for example, copy the lyrics of the song you while writing the script of the program , sung in the program , and strive to study the lyrics , and that was to complete the work .

Without structure of the program , the theme song is used , work has been a shelved , but the fact that this year the Fuji -san has left the world , it has been " discovered " works , Mr. Kimura is the time of '43 the determination of the publication through . It is said, " want to . Somehow too good in this state . Music of two who left a great achievement in the music world ."

GOLDEN☆BEST 藤圭子ヒット&カバーコレクション 艶歌と縁歌
ソニー・ミュージックダイレクト (2010-12-08)
売り上げランキング: 2,721

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