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<りそな銀>自殺の行員が1億5500万円消失 FXなどで [経済ニュース]

The operational foreign exchange margin trading , etc. (FX) about 100 million 55 million yen collected privately from customer , male colleague sales representative ( Toshima-ku, Tokyo ) Resona Bank Ikebukuro Branch ( 25) , the majority it was found that it was made ​​to disappear . Bank employees committed suicide in January this year of problems discovered later .


To be operated while collecting funds without registering in the country is prohibited in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law , Resona silver was reported to the Financial Services Agency .


According to the Resona silver , and approached it with the "wants funded separately from the banking business ," July-December 2013 , the three corporate management have found that bank employees were funded . Except that it was operating in , such as options trading of shares in addition to FX , but fails , you pay the 20 million yen in one , you do not have even the return of principal as well as dividends .

There is a contact Resona silver from investors , the problem is discovered . You are " regrettable . Corresponding to ( Mr.) seriously ," said the bank .

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「金が必要なら朴大統領が体を売れ」女性タレントの暴言が波紋―韓国 [経済ニュース]

December 20, 2013, Phoenix network posted "abusive Byun So Eun Korean talent is" selling your body "the Park Geun (Park Ohakune) president, Takeshi receive criticism" article.


For the Korean government is promoting the establishment of a "Mizunishi-hatsu KTX" management subsidiary, the privatization program, the 18th, Byun So Eun's female talent is intense criticism the sale of the railway which I made with taxpayers. Written to Facebook and "sister (President Park) is should I sell your body if you want to sell" and.

Mr. Byun has apologized after, but Internet users have been heavily criticized "wording like this or be allowed against the head of state" he said. It has seen the establishment plan "Mizunishi-hatsu KTX" management subsidiaries and preparation of Railway privatization final On the other hand, discussion of pros and cons both has been activated to Korean society.

韓流時代劇と朝鮮史の真実  朝鮮半島をめぐる歴史歪曲の舞台裏
宮脇 淳子
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「佐藤」は「鈴木」よりも多かった 明治安田生命の名字調査 [経済ニュース]

The 11th, published a survey targeted at about 5.96 million people policyholders across the country about the "last name", Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. is the most common was "Sato". Second place "Suzuki", third place was "Takahashi". That accounted for 10% of the total last name only (Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Watanabe, Ito, Nakamura, Kobayashi, Yamamoto, Kato) top 10.


Looking at the prefecture, at the 1-position "Sato" became the top in each prefecture in the Tohoku region, excluding Hokkaido and Aomori Prefecture. Of second place "Suzuki", lead and each prefecture in the Kanto region, excluding the Gunma Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture. The 3-position "Takahashi" became the only top of Gunma Prefecture.

"Forest", "forest", the top three of the last name of the kanji character is "original". The three Chinese characters, "Sasaki", "Hasegawa", "Igarashi" in many cases.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.11
購入者の評価:★★★★ 4.33
ちくま文庫 森岡浩 筑摩書房発行年月:2011年12月 ページ数:353, サイズ:文庫 ISBN:9784480428943 森岡浩(モリオカヒロシ)1961年高知県生まれ。早稲田大学政経学部卒業。学生時代から名字の研究を始め、文献だけにとらわれない実証的な研究を続けている。テレビ出演多数(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第1章 日本人の名字おもしろ知識/第2章 名字はこうして誕生した/第3章 日本全国の珍名さん大集合/第4章 名字でわかるあなたのルーツ/第5章 天皇家から源平藤橘まで…日本の名家物語/第6章 姓名にまつわる不思議な話/第7章 日本とこんなに違う外国の名字と名前 珍しい名字にはれっきとした由来がある。名字で全国の歴史や民俗が新たに見えてくる。ユニークな名字の成り立ちから日本の名家の誕生まで、名字にまつわるあれやこれやの話題を網羅した画期的な書。コウノさんとカワノさん、同じ地域でなぜ違う?「鬼」のつく名字は海賊の末裔?三人に二人が「長屋さん」の村など、なるほど納得、笑える仰天エピソード満載。 本 人文・思想・社会 歴史 伝記(外国) 文庫 人文・思想・社会
タグ:名字 調査
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