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胸のボタンが弾け飛ぶ…台湾で人気の美人アナ、生放送中にまさかのハプニング―台湾メディア [国際ニュース]

There was a beautiful woman announcer accident of reputation as a "37-year-old miracle", Chinumishitone (Chen high impedance) flew suddenly button jacket to live in valley of the chest that show up in Taiwan. Ring-and-ball network is transmitted as Taiwan media reports.


On this day, wear a jacket of a pretty pink, Chen was seated in front of the screen as usual. However, where it was reading the news manuscript, suddenly, buttons of the jacket flew, her cleavage has become uncovered.

It thinks that it or hide immediately and show professionalism, was Yomiki~tsu news manuscript as it is. Cleavage During that time, was laid bare while mirrored on the TV screen. On the other hand, voice to praise the professionalism of the chain is rising from the audience.

文藝春秋 (2013-03-08)
売り上げランキング: 35,187

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日本人になりすました男が地下鉄車内で喫煙、あやしい日本語で「すいません」―台湾 [国際ニュース]

According to the Taiwan Higashimori TV, it was found that it was causing a commotion that smoking man who pretends to be in the Japanese subway car in Taipei with his foot. China newspaper network reported 12 date.


Video taken how the man Shaved plump with glasses sucks a cigarette in the car has been published on the net. Sitting cross-legged on the priority seat, you are smoking and imposing. The Dokofukukaze passengers even if the ambient note. When I listen carefully to myself, you are issued a word apparently looked like Japanese. I murmured the names "Lee Teng-hui," the original president in Chinese.

Station staff is careful, I put out the fire of tobacco finally here. Again, while picking up cigarette butts, that was a string of "I'm sorry" in Japanese. Criticism, such as "Do not pretend to be? Japanese will not Japanese" is rising from Internet users who saw this.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.12
購入者の評価:★★★★ 4.75
中国人と日本人のための研修テキスト 井上一幸 健康ジャーナル社発行年月:2011年12月 ページ数:192p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784907838584 井上一幸(イノウエカズユキ)アジア人財カンパニー株式会社代表取締役。東京大学経済学部卒。大手金融機関に勤務した後、米国留学、米国勤務を経験。外国人との接点は豊富で、前職は香港経済貿易代表部投資推進室長。言葉とコミュニケーションに対する鋭い感覚を持ち、日本語教育能力検定試験(日本語教師資格)合格、英語ではTOEIC980点の実力の持ち主でもある。企業、大学での研修多数(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第1回 「すいません」が世界を変える(どうしてスイマセンが言えないんだろう/自分の非を認めない人 ほか)/第2回 日本の文化のわかる人お願いします(日本の文化のわかる人、紹介してください!?/日本基準の「迷惑」 ほか)/第3回 日本人は神様がお好きー改善と完全について(できるできない論争/「問題ない」と言う人の問題 ほか)/第4回 日本語はあいまいではない(日本語はあいまいではない/日本語あいまい論の根拠 ほか)/第5回 言葉ができるから仕事ができる(微妙なニュアンス…?/日本語能力試験一級はTOEIC六〇〇点レベル ほか)/おわりに 中国人を同僚に持つ日本人へ(異文化理解の誤解/郷には入っては郷に従え ほか) 中国人を味方につける。活路はその先にある。エリート中国人社員1500人と面談した人材会社社長による絶対に役立つ「日本語研修読本」。 本 語学・学習参考書 語学学習 日本語 人文・思想・社会 語学学習 日本語
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「大統領失格」突きつけられた朴槿恵 父・朴正煕「神格化」で乗り切りに必死 [国際ニュース]

Park Geun president of South Korea, has fallen more and more into a corner. Pursuit of the presidential election to "fraud problem" is not at all in Tomah, voice to pursue the "resignation" openly in the National Assembly began to appear. Sign of "brass, anti-Japanese" diplomacy, air defense identification zone problem there, cloudy with a chance of rain very much.

絶望は私を鍛え、希望は私を動かす [ 朴槿恵 ]

But President Park , has brought up some measures in this difficult situation . It is the presence of the late Park Chung-hee , former president is the father . In fact recently , motion to lift the Park Chung-hee 's actively in the president around , " deification " and trying to at length are followed .

■ 1 million people in the " Park Geun -out! " Demo

" . President even if we quit case resigned , winner - Park Geun president of election fraud to obtain the rapid decision of the President . Will be able to solve the problem of all "

December 8, 2013 , in a statement Zhang Hana Democratic announced , President Park did not hide the irritation .

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.11
購入者の評価:☆集計中☆ 0.0
商品の詳細ジャンル哲学・歴史・宗教フォーマット単行本出版社中央公論新社発売日2012年11月ISBN9784120044489発売国日本サイズ・ページ253p 19cm(B6)関連キーワードリソウテツ 9784120044489 【FS_708-2】ご注文の前に必ずご確認をお願いします。 在庫情報 「在庫あり」商品は通常当日~翌日までに出荷します。「お取り寄せ」商品も掲載しています。出荷日の目安は左のリンクよりご確認ください。  出荷目安の詳細はこちら>>楽天市場内検索 『在庫あり』表記について内容詳細 韓国初の女性大統領で何が変わる?どう変わる?父母を政治暗殺で失いながらも、大統領選に立つ「韓国のジャンヌ・ダルク」。来歴・思想・力量を豊富な資料を基に描く。目次 : 第1章 模範生の人生を生きる/ 第2章 朴正煕という踏絵/ 第3章 北朝鮮という踏絵/ 第4章 サッチャーを夢見て/ 第5章 サッチャーを超えて/ 第6章 朴槿恵のビジョン

Concerning the presidential election of 2012 , allegations that we are information operations to government agencies, the National Intelligence Service through the net , Park camp is advantageous to have come to light . Sometimes this presidential election was close votes difference between the opponents that just 3% , the voice of the accused is constantly idling in deliberation rejection of the opposition side , the draft budget for next year even not attend still the National Assembly in Korea no .

排斥から敬意へ...ある出来事が、日本に対する印象を根底から覆した―中国メディア [国際ニュース]

The 6th, every day Den訊 daily newspaper, Xinhua Xinhua News Agency of China state-owned system posted a contributed article entitled "and respect. Exclusion View Japan". The following summary.


I do not know if whether such because of the history of the invasion , but I had a feeling of indescribable unpleasant always against Japan . Once you know it's Japanese partner , feeling that exclusion from the bottom of my heart I always had Wakioko~tsu .

But , yesterday , suddenly , sense of respect for Japan has been full of when I was chatting with a female doctor study in Japan experience . I think I have to talk to you by all means , we want to share this feeling .

When I was a just visited Japan , the woman could not speak Japanese at all . After studying two months at a language school , and take the most prominent graduate schools in Japan, and contains the results of the test of top English , played a stunning admission .

この一冊で「中国の歴史」がわかる!―殷の文明、清の統一から激動の現代まで (知的生きかた文庫)
この一冊で「中国の歴史」がわかる!―殷の文明、清の統一から激動の現代まで (知的生きかた文庫)山口 修 宮崎 正勝

三笠書房 2002-12
売り上げランキング : 247342

by G-Tools
マンガ この一冊で中国の歴史がわかる! そうだったのか! 中国 (そうだったのか! シリーズ) (集英社文庫) 物語 中国の歴史―文明史的序説 (中公新書) それでも中国で儲けなければならない日本人へ 中国の歴史(上) (岩波新書)

Japan gave me a scholarship to her . In order to belong to no income , Japan lent me a room with a lot cheaper rent she and her husband . She is pregnant enrolled in doctoral . Each month , two bags , Japan gave us paid to pregnant women all regardless of the nationality of the milk powder for nutritional support of the mother. Every month , and that gave me a milk allowance paid regardless of nationality after birth .
タグ:中国 日本 関係

米国の慰安婦像「侮辱」に韓国激怒 日本に好意的な米国人が顔に紙袋かぶせる [国際ニュース]

Tony Marrano 's the United States that has a deep-rooted fan to the net users in Japan by the pet name of " Texas father " is , as was " insult " act to comfort women image which was built in the United States Glendale City , from supporters of Japan I have bathed at the same time and cheers , the taunts from the Korean media .


Marrano 's 's video producer to bid a " propaganda Buster " , talk about the political views of their own at YouTube. From the fact that you are taking a position favorable to Japan on whaling issue , the movie is translated , introduced as " Texas father " , such as Nico Nico Douga , books as well as on the market , popular from conservatives in particular .

■ to the Rising Sun flag and the rising sun of the small image of the knee

Photo of the problem is what 's Marrano was published, for example, Facebook itself. Marrano who the 3rd December ( local time ) , visited the comfort women image of Glendale City discussion took place circulates the installation between Japan and Korea , was photographed covered with a paper bag on the face of the girl image .

The paper bag , a human face graffiti style is depicted . Video was posted previously , as well as to express their support for Japan on comfort women issue , it is said, " comfort women is because it was ugly , must have been covered in paper bag " and , in fact the image against it it's like that , was pulled off . In addition , I put up the Rising Sun flag and the rising sun of the small image of the knee . Also by a person who accompanied , Marrano 's photo is showing a smile next to the comfort women image was also shot .

「慰安婦」問題 すべての疑問に答えます。
売り上げランキング: 57,847

From 5 daily basis , these photos have been spread , such as 2-channel and Twitter . Summary and major blog reprint this further one after another , Americans are " third party " is as me sided with Japan , people frolic or " thanks! Father in " after another .
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