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オリ金子に不正投球疑惑 審判団が指摘 [スポーツニュース]

< Nippon Ham 4-1 ORIX > ◇ 2 ◇日Sapporo Dome

( 30) is subjected to point out the unexpected once again Orix pitcher Chihiro Kaneko . 5 times with two outs first base , the jury gathered in Kaneko of mound .

Kaneko know and love the undershirt of long custom hate left palm is covered in sweat . Therefore , it was pointed out that looks like a shirt and ball is touching when you knead the ball ( illegal pitch if the touch ) .


Forest second-base umpire of responsibility referee explained, " We do not expect you and are doing illegal , but I saw distance as also touching there , who want you to do not seem to even look " he said.

Kaneko has received indications as well exhibition game of March , teams also check with the Board of Appeal For this reason, it was getting the view that OK sphere shirt and is not in direct contact . Only was devised after the game as " not ( the mutual understanding ) . So I be so ," said etc. Do not get to the ball and put up a finger of the left hand , Kaneko seemed consent is not possible .

When you first hit this season in Nishikawa to six times immediately after , got your two parties consecutive bombs to Nakata continue. Was Neba~tsu 8 strikeouts four runs every eight times , but suffered a first offense and two losses is not typing the Kamizawa .

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 14.05.03
購入者の評価:☆集計中☆ 0.0
2014年BBM発売のカード『オリックスバファローズ』より出るBs STARSカード金子千尋 オリックスバファローズ カードNo.BsS2


【C大阪】柿谷あかん!また無得点、リーグ6戦勝ちなしでブーイング [スポーツニュース]

J1 Section 10 C 1 ─ 1 Osaka Omiya ( the 29th Yanmar Nagai Stadium )

In the pouring rain , ace Kakidani lost their shoulder . In unexploded in Omiya game of the day , scoreless opening 10 races this season in J1 . Were combined in a right foot outside the centering of the MF Hasegawa 37 minutes into the first half , but it bounces off the bar , right-foot shot was also blocked by the enemy GK and jumped into the front of the goal in seven minutes into the second half .


C Osaka has caught up barely in the game near the end . There is no Game 6 win in the league , uniform number 8 got your boo downcast " you're doing hard but it is not put out a result , sorry to supporters " he said.

This day , it is not tied to the slogan " history SaiOsamu " this season , Popovic director dared the new 3-4-3 lineup real line which is the 5 back to defense at the time . Wins flame enemy Shandong Luneng against the ACL (23 day) in this , they did not lose against Kobe J1 also higher (26 days). I showed the results of the constant in the defense , but it was complained to Kakidani from offense " there are players that do not cut shouldering the expectations and pressure . Calm is important if the front of the goal in particular " he said.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 14.04.30
購入者の評価:☆集計中☆ 0.0
[主なコンテンツ]▼巻頭特集 BORN IN THE 90's 僕らは僕らの地図を描く。▼柿谷曜一朗/川又堅碁/中島翔哉/長澤和輝/丸橋祐介▼若者とは何か? 古市憲寿/田原総一朗▼インタビュー 吉田麻也/大津祐樹版型/頁数:A4変形/116ページ発売日:2014年3月12日


バイエルンがクラブ世界一…クラブW杯決勝でラジャ・カサブランカに快勝 [スポーツニュース]

The final of the FIFA Club World Cup 2013 being held in Morocco is carried out on the 21st, Raja Casablanca of the host country and representatives of Bavaria Germany, the European representative is played against.

大切なことはみんなピッチで教わった 名将グアルディオラ 58の教え

One round to put the club in the world has become a development Bavaria pushes early on . Dante marked the first goal in seven minutes . Upon receipt in front of the goal the ball to Jerome Boateng is connected by a head , and shook the goal net is crowded as it is kick .

If you break the balance , Bayern took the additional point to 22 minutes . David - Alava , which receives the ball from the left and wrap in the center , Thiago Alcantara has pierce the intense middle shot from the goal front .

Bayern and widen the score , and allowed a decision machine Raja Casablanca from Kikkumisu of GK Manuel Neuer on 38 minutes , but the shot out of the frame , it was spared runs .

Well into the second half , Bayern came to initiative , but struck headed to Mufushin - Yajuru raised a cross from the left flank in 57 minutes, but Neuer is caught in the front . On the other hand , Jerudan - Shachiri was shot from in front of the goal in the 62 minutes , but then hit the cross bar , it did not become the third point .

Bavaria received a counterattack of Raja Casablanca in late , but a win over 2-0 by survive without conceding a goal . I won the club world .

FIFA 14 ワールドクラス サッカー
エレクトロニック・アーツ (2014-02-22)
売り上げランキング: 916
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本田 ミラン新加入で異例「10番」 バッジオも遠慮 [スポーツニュース]

The 12th, Japan representative MF Keisuke Honda to AC Milan entering this winter have been revealed on the 11th (27 = CSKA Moscow) will return home in the aircraft arrival at Narita Airport. Galiani vice-president of the club has stated that to give a uniform number 10, but in the number of protected and with feelings, 10th of Milan athletes of numerous Boban and colleagues frit is carrying is easy Newest He was never to over the players.

ロベルト・バッジオの香水 ソプラーニ ウォモ 50ml

Alone had the attachment to number among other things, representative of Yugoslavia "genius" Sabichebitchi declared "This is my number" and superstar of that Italian national, also at subscription time of Roberto Baggio. It's about who Baggio was not allowed in, "I consent to see the attitude of the practice" rather.

Shidorufu Dutch representatives continued backpack seven years recently. No willing to cede even when no hesitation to say "I was able to progress because there is a responsibility for this number," said the Brazilian representative Ronaldinho he moved from Barcelona. I continued to show off play high-quality offense and defense both sides in the pitch of course.

# 10 of Milan and pride symbol of professionalism, so to speak. Expectations of Honda's big no doubt. And there is also a responsibility to respond to it to Honda.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.13
購入者の評価:☆集計中☆ 0.0
この度はご来店頂きまして誠にありがとうございます!当店では有名セレブや人気モデル、ブロガーの方々が撮影で着用した雑誌掲載等のトレンドアイテムや実際にプライベートで愛用し、今注目されているアイテムから○○といえば○○!の鉄板・定番ブランドのアイテムまで当店のバイヤーが世界中の数あるブランドの中からこだわり抜き厳選したアイテムを数多く取り扱っております。国内未発売&完売の限定アイテムやあのブランドの最新作まで、他店ではなかなか見つけられないレアアイテムも当店ならまさかの激安特価で見つけられるかも☆(予約だけの早割や、ポイント○倍、送料無料・アウトレット祭り、福袋、即納お買い得祭り、おまけ付きキャンペーンなど当店だけのイベント・セールも随時行っておりますのでお見逃しなく!)これからの秋冬シーズンコスプレで楽しむハロウィンやクリスマスなどイベントも盛り沢山!ダイエットが大変だった夏を乗り越え、長袖の季節ですね?寒いから…といってただの重ね着になってしまうのは勿体無い(涙)せっかくの楽しいイベント達、最高にオシャレしてより一層楽しんじゃいましょう♪着回しテクも、ご紹介します☆当店ではメンズ・レディース、どちらのアイテムも取り扱っておりサイズも小さいサイズから大きいサイズまで幅広く対応しております。細もも&小尻効果&美脚・脚長効果も絶大な素材にこだわり尽くした別注パンツもございます! 無料で商品のラッピングも行わせて頂きますので大切な誰かへのプレゼントにも是非ご利用ください☆(ご注文時に備考欄にラッピング希望とご記載下さいませ。)このページをご覧になって下さっている大切なお客様へ素敵なアイテムとの出会いのお手伝いができますように…?是非、ごゆっくりご覧くださいませ^^こちらの商品は、ご注文を頂いたのち、海外からお取り寄せさせていただきます。国内に在庫をもっておりませんので、倉庫費用など、様々な無駄を省くことができ、この価格を実現しております。海外からの配送になりますので、納期は通常10日から19日前後頂いております。国内に到着後、1点1点しっかりと検品させていただき、お届けさせていただきます。お客様のご注文内容の商品をお取り寄せいたしますので、基本的にはご注文後のキャンセルはできかねます。海外店舗でも販売しておりますので、売り切れの場合もございます。在庫を確認し、お返事させていただきますので、ご注文後しばらくお待ちください。初期不良以外のキャンセルの場合、海外往復送料、関税などがかかってしまいますので、しっかりとご検討の上でお買い求めください☆下記に、アメリカ正規店の説明文を記載しておりますが、英語の為、商品の疑問点などございましたら気軽にお問い合わせください☆上部表示の『商品についての問い合わせ』ボタンよりお問い合わせ頂けます。遂に正式発表!本田ACミラン10番!海外公式ショップよりお手配☆本田選手 ホーム ユニフォーム【サイズ】・S  肩幅42cm 胸囲48cm 丈69cm・M  肩幅45cm 胸囲53cm 丈71cm・L  肩幅46.5cm 胸囲56cm 丈74cm・XL  肩幅48cm 胸囲62cm 丈76cm・XXL 肩幅52.5cm 胸囲67cm 丈77.5cm

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CSKAモスクワ、本田圭佑の退団を発表…4年間の貢献に感謝 [スポーツニュース]

The 11th, CSKA Moscow announced it was decided that due to the contract expiration, Japan representative MF Keisuke Honda, which belongs to resigning.

Section 6 Champions League group stage, which took place on the 10th, CSKA Moscow defeat at 1-2 playing against Victoria Plzen. Eliminated in the bottom of the group has been determined. Because it was entered into the long winter break until March, this year official game of CSKA Moscow became the end in Plzen warfare Russian league.


Honda celebrates its contract expires at the end of December as long, but the club announced that the "CSKA came back from Plzen, but said goodbye to teammates, Honda Submit my contract, leaving the Russia," said it was a resigning . After this, if it issued a statement, "and four years Honda has been spent in this team, CSKA Thank you that you have been successful in his contribution in the meantime. Has a bright future for him," said Honda I said thanks to the contribution.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.11
購入者の評価:☆集計中☆ 0.0
当商品は海外市場流通のノンブランドサッカーユニフォームです。ナイキ(NIKE)アディダス(adidas)カッパ(Kappa)プーマ(puma)などのスポーツブランドのコピー品ではありませんので、メーカーロゴ等は一切入っておりません。オフィシャルのものとはロゴやデザイン等の若干相違がある場合がございますので、完璧な作りの日本製品やブランド品をイメージされてる方はご購入をお控え下さい。新品、未使用の商品ではございますが、稀に糸のほつれ、汚れ等があるケースがございます。価格を踏まえ品質等を考慮して頂いた上でのご購入をお願いします。・洗濯時はユニフォームを裏返したうえで、ネットに入れて洗濯してください。洗濯ネットをご使用する際に裏返していただけますとロゴやマーキングが傷つきにくく商品が長持ちします。また、衣類の色あせも軽減できます。・洗剤は液体洗剤をお奨めいたします。・乾燥機、アイロンは絶対に使用しないでください!!(ロゴやマーキングの剥がれ、生地の損傷を招きます)・100%ポリエステルのため、ドライ機能が高いので裏返して陰干しにしてください。日干しは色褪せの原因となります。◆New Items2014バルセロナメッシ2014バルセロナ名入れ可能2014レアルロナウド2014チェルシートーレス海外ノンブランドサッカーレプリカユニフォームです。商品はとても着心地の良いポリエステル100%です。サッカーはもちろん、フットサルの練習着やジョギング、ランニングにオススメ!■2014サッカーユニフォーム■ACミラン ホーム■本田圭佑 背番号10■ノンブランド ユニフォーム■子供用(S、M、L、XL、XXL)■ノンブランドレプリカユニフォームです♪フットサル練習着やプレゼント、忘年会、クリスマス会の衣装にも!

On the same day, Adriano Galliani, CEO of Milan, saying "Honda joins the January 3" he said. HP club official also reportedly uniforms name Honda has entered the uniform number "10" already are sold at club official online shop, to join the Milan was a rumor some time has become decisive.
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キム・ヨナの衣装は「たくあんみたい」、日本のネットユーザーが嘲笑―韓国メディア [スポーツニュース]

The 9th, international figure skating competition was held in Zagreb, Croatia in the "Golden spin", the Chinese version website of Korea Chosun Ilbo paper, is unpopular costume gold 妍児 of Korea (Kim Jonah) players wore was reported to be are buying.


Costume of yellow player Kim wore during the women's short program was held on the 6th night is unpopular or "does not suit to Kim Jonah". Enough to be ridiculed "color like a Takuwan" and or "costume like a junior player" is also from the net users in Japan.

キム・ヨナ~銀盤の女王シュイナード オムニバス(クラシック)

ユニバーサル ミュージック クラシック 2011-12-21
売り上げランキング : 1493

by G-Tools
キム・ヨナ~銀盤の妖精 キム・ヨナ [DVD] 浅田舞&真央 スケーティング・ミュージック

Costumes that fashion designers of Korea, Mr. AnKeiYoshi was in charge. Mr. Ahn has served as costume designer Kim also players last season. Mr. Ahn has rejected all the media coverage, but the firm of AT Sports player Kim has been described as "the shades full of lyricism in warm colors to match the tune of the short program."
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雲隠れ!?JBCが亀田ジム聴聞へ連絡も一切返事なし [スポーツニュース]

The 10th, is contacted in order to conduct a hearing to Kameda gym side with respect to the throne retention problem of IBF world super flyweight champion, Kamedao Takeshi (Kameda), but the current situation there is no reply at all Japan Boxing Commission (JBC) revealed.


The ethics committee, which was held on the 9th, the throne becomes vacant if the Kamedao loses the (Venezuela) WBA champion Riborio Solis in the WBA · IBF Championship unification match against the 3rd, was disqualified in the overweight I was confirmed that it had been agreed between the parties.

亀田製菓 ハッピーターン 120g×12袋
亀田製菓 ハッピーターン 120g×12袋
売り上げランキング : 18940

by G-Tools
亀田製菓 ソフトサラダ 20枚×12袋 亀田製菓 亀田の柿の種6袋詰 230g×12袋 天乃屋 歌舞伎揚 11枚×12個 森永 チョコチップクッキー 14枚(2枚パック×7袋)×5個 不二家 ホームパイ40枚

In no way at fault for JBC confusion after the game, and that you knew in advance that the throne does not move Kameda side or lose is seen as a problem. Nobuaki Uratani headquarters, acting director of a bureau of the JBC said, "(and Kameda side) will take the continued contact" he said.
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中村紀プロテクト漏れ濃厚 [スポーツニュース]

Protected list leak DeNA · Norihiro Nakamura, infielder (40) becomes a thick. Team wins (33) Yasutomo Kubo pitcher that had been declared since the Great Hanshin FA. Takada GM of creating a protected list of people compensation has plagued the head "(from 28 people frame) 2-3 people Toraku line is difficult," but Taken together the story of the peripheral, as one of them that it is Nakamura's are on the line.


"There is no place for. Glue there are swing of 2 crown hit also. First baseman for the acquisition of (before ORIX) is substantially determined Barudirisu high defensive power, position glue (Nakamura) is no longer as third baseman" (baseball team stakeholders)

カネシゲ タカシ 野球大喜利
売り上げランキング: 2,715

17 home runs in nine rin 20% 8 minutes batting average, Barudirisu of 91 RBI this season. As well as more than blow Results (1 rin 8 minutes 20%, 14 home runs, 61 RBI) this season Nakamura, fielding percentage is also a bulletproof 5 rin 6 minutes 90%. It has not come in yet acquired, but Nakahata director get one's hopes up about "that guy (Barudirisu) us to do considerable" and as early. Nakamura also famous as "Kenshu", but say that difficulty Compared to Barudirisu because they are having a bomb to the right knee.
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マンU香川の欠場理由は「食べ過ぎ」か…指揮官が真相明かす [スポーツニュース]

In Section 15 Premier League that took place on the 7th, Manchester · U was defeated 0-1 to play against Newcastle. After the game, coach David Moyes has revealed the reason for the miss Japan representative MF Shinji Kagawa, et al. HP official of the club is told.


"Shinji participated in the practice. The 6th was sick after the war Everton (in the previous section), but could not state is good. Moyes director, decision condition that his not good from all the information explained because we, "he did to avoid the risk of worsening the state is allowed to participate by force. Kagawa had been reported that poor health actually but, "Shinji was sick badly. Himself seems to have thought I was eating too much, but the cleaning of the stomach was necessary. But, it would be all right now." commander continued with.
香川真司 (蒼きSAMURAI)
香川真司 (蒼きSAMURAI)
posted with amazlet at 13.12.08

売り上げランキング: 34,052
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ヨナ 初戦で200点超えV 美姫は今季自己ベストで2位 [スポーツニュース]

The 7th, free of girls is performed Zagreb (Croatia) International convention of Figure Skating, Golden spin, Kim Yu Na of Vancouver Olympics queen stood to lead the short program the day before in the (SP) but (23 = Korea), Miki Ando No. 21, in the 2-position (25 = Shin-Yokohama Prince h) with just the final set together at number 19.

浅田真央はメイクを変え、キムヨナは電卓をたたく フィギュアスケートの裏側 朝日新書 / 生島淳

Kim Jonah exceeded the 73.18 -point of the world's best this season when Mao Asada ( Chukyo ) has issued to mark the 73.37 points in the season opener . While many Koreans watched from the audience , sliding in black costume . I show my brilliant tango " Adios Nonino " and take a standing ovation . There was also a fall in the jump , but won a total of 204.49 points at 131.12 points free . On this day , higher than the 0.47 204.02 points Mao Asada ( Chukyo ) in the GP final .

Ando of former world championship queen aimed at Sochi Olympics through the birth , chic costume which was based on black same as in ice challenge of November . Take the " Phoenix" of Stravinsky , was acting . 5th round eyes return to second place in a personal best of 114.01 points this season a total of 176.82 points free . ( 21 to 23 , Saitama Super Arena ) in the last battle for the , was showing a smile of assent All Japan Championships in the Olympic team final selection meeting .

( Russia ) has entered Eliza beta To~ukutamishewa of 16 -year-old at 169.24 points at the 3-position .

フィギュアスケート ソチ五輪完全ガイド (晋遊舎ムック)

晋遊舎 (2013-12-06)
売り上げランキング: 1,237

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