
楽しんごさん 傷害容疑で書類送検へ 被害の元マネジャーは恐喝容疑で捜査 [芸能ニュース]

That it has consolidated its policy as wounding hit the male managers of 30's personal office, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Yotsuya station is sent papers nearly injury charges, Rakushingo = real name Sato Shingo ='s comedians (34) but on the 11th, I found an interview to the investigation concerned parties. It was as Odoshito~tsu the 1 million yen in cash from Mr. Rakushingo after the incident, the managers are also investigating in extortion charges.


Morning July 21, suspected of at home apartment in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, and beat several times in the stomach and face of the managers, and inflicting minor injuries is the resting Rakushingo's. In voting day of the upper house election, you're statement "not me wake to the time it asked me to was going to vote, belly stood also the attitude of the then" or in any listening that day.

The acquaintance with Mr. Rakushingo in May last year around, managers had a such as schedule management in the private office, but retired after the incident. The threatened "expose the fact of assault and have to pay the money", and received a one million yen. Then, return the cash, I was taking out the offense report to Dosho in September.

Rakushingo Mr. belong to Yoshimoto Creative Agency. I was popular in gag called "Love injection" and characters like women.

Generated by 楽天ホイホイ at 13.12.11
購入者の評価:★★★☆☆ 3.33
販売元:ARUNE 仮装雑貨のお店あるね
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